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Water: Purifying – 5. Treating Water with Light

A section in Chapter 2 of the book:
Prep Lists for Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking


When filtered water in clear bottles (glass or plastic) is exposed to direct sunlight for six hours (or up to 48 hours in clouded sunlight), the heat and ultraviolet (UV) radiation of the sunlight kill protozoan parasites and bacteria, and inactivates most viruses. NOTE: unfiltered or cloudy water requires more time and is less effective—adding a pinch of salt can help to decontaminate the floating particles.

Similarly, you can purchase UV lights to immerse into a bottle of water to purify it much more quickly and reliably.

See Samples: UV Water Purifiers

>>> This information is in the book “Prep Lists for Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking.” <<<

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