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Water: Purifying

A section in Chapter 2 of the book:
Prep Lists for Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking

Always filter and boil (or treat) water to be used for drinking or cooking—as most natural sources likely contain dangerous or unfamiliar parasites, germs, and bacteria that can make you sick. Bad guys that may be found in surface water include: Hepatitis A, Giardia, Shigella, E.coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni, coliform, cholera, and viruses

However, even muddy, smelly water can be made drinkable with proper filtering and boiling—but avoid any bitter or alkali-tasting water as it is poisonous and can only be treated by distillation.


QUICK TIP: While this chapter includes many methods to purify water that may have biological or chemical contamination, here is my three-step approach for most water found in the woods.

  • Rough filter (cloth, coffee filters, sand)……………………………………………. remove debris
  • Fine filter (charcoal, carbon, ceramic)…………………………………………. remove chemicals
  • Bleach or Boil (if I already have a fire going)…………………………………… remove germs
    ~10 drops/gal of Chlorine bleach, wait 30 mins to kill everything


Purifying water may include the following methods.

  1. Filtering Water
  2. Boiling Water
  3. Distilling Water
  4. Treating Water with Chemicals
  5. Treating Water with Light


>> This information is in the book “Prep Lists for Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking.” <<<

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