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Context: Rockatech Multimedia Publishing > Products > Series

Welcome to your source for great books, resources, and information. We are building a web site with a variety of useful materials. Our plan is to include valuable books, helpful articles, instructional videos, custom tools, and more. After you look around, please come back because we’re just getting started. Soon we will be providing materials on a wide range of topics. For now, we’re featuring a small set that will continue to grow.

Prep Lists Books (PLB)Book Series: Prep Lists Books
Reading a Prep Lists Book is like brainstorming with a room full of experts. What makes this series of books different is the incredible easy-to-use format. Instead of long, boring instructions for how to do things, these books are quick reference tools for what you need to get started.

Context: Rockatech Multimedia Publishing > Products > Book Series > Prep Lists Books
  • Prep Lists for Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking
  • Prep Lists for Hunting – Coming Soon
  • Prep Lists for Survival – Coming Soon
  • Prep Lists for Job Interviews – Being Considered
  • Prep Lists for Your Wedding – Being Considered
  • Prep Lists for College – Being Considered
  • Prep Lists for Buying a Car – Being Considered
  • Prep Lists for Buying a House – Being Considered
  • Prep Lists for Buying a PC – Being Considered
Context: Rockatech Multimedia Publishing > Products > Book Series > TBD
  • Future Series…
    • Book Series: Laugh List Library (LLL) – Coming Soon
    • Article Series: Protect Our Tech (POT) – Being Developed
    • Book Series: Quick Notes Books (QNB) – Being Considered
    • Spreadsheet Series: LifeLists – Coming Soon
    • Info Graphic Series: LifeMaps – Coming Soon
    • Video Series: Nature Scenes – Being Developed
    • …And More

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