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Book: “Prep Lists for Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking”

By Ronald Kaine

The “Prep Lists for Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking” book contains these topics.

  • Chapter 1. Fire
  • Chapter 2. Water
  • Chapter 3. Food
  • Chapter 4. Shelter
  • Chapter 5. Tools
  • Chapter 6. Skills
  • Chapter 7. Checklists
  • Chapter 8. Resources
  • Chapter 9. Heading Out
Book Photo of Prep Lists for Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking

Book Summary

The Problem: Remembering everything you might need for a camping trip is a big challenge—there is gear, food, tools, skills, maps, plans, backup plans, and more. Don’t scramble at the last minute to get ready; be that person who is always prepared for anything. Why rely on others because you forgot something or because you lack skills to take care of yourself? You can be confident that you have everything you need and always know what to do next.

The Solution: This book is a quick reference guide with lists of everything you need to plan for your next outdoor adventure, to improvise in your next crisis, or reach your next level of proficiency. Whether you are a newbie or a veteran of outdoor adventure looking to expand your horizons, there is tremendous value in this compilation of essential tools, skills, methods, and strategies.

Personal Experience: The prep lists in this book were personally crafted by an experienced outdoorsman who relies on being prepared for anything—camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, backpacking, canoeing, trail riding, and more. Reading this Prep Lists Book is like brainstorming with a room full of experts.

Your Benefits: Having these checklists of things to remember, projects to do, ideas to plan, or topics to learn gives you thorough guidance for complete self-reliance. Whether your adventure is solo, with family & friends, or part of a team, you can be assured that you will relax and enjoy a fulfilling experience.

Action: So let’s get started! You can read this book from cover to cover, or more likely you will use the tables of contents and reference links to bounce around to the topics that interest you most. Then think of the people in your life who need a copy of this book—both the planners and the spontaneous free-spirits. Tell them about it or just go ahead and buy a few books as gifts.

This new book is now available in three formats: PDF, Kindle, and Paperback.

Book: “Prep Lists for Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking”

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PDF eBook

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This trade paperback book is also available at these fine stores.

Be prepared! Go camping, hiking, & backpacking with confidence.

This 262-page book is the first book in the “Prep Lists Books” series. It contains a unique set of detailed lists—information that is essential for any camper, hiker, or backpacker.

Book Page Sample: Book Overview

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Book Page Sample

Uses of This Book

  • A checklist to see if you have everything you need
  • A reminder to add missing items
  • A learning tool to acquire new skills
  • A refresher to remember forgotten items
  • A quick reference of topics to consider
  • A textbook to highlight and annotate
  • A notebook to capture fresh insights
  • A teaching aid for novices
  • A mentor to expand your knowledge
  • A source of ideas and creativity
  • A gift for a birthday or holiday
  • A planning tool for each trip or adventure
  • A resource for emergency preparedness

From the Author: This useful book will surprise you! It covers everything you can imagine for camping and backpacking. This is not a boring how-to manual. It is a detailed reference guide with links to jump around to topics of interest so that you can explore and learn and even link to pictures and more information online. Maybe you’ve seen bits and pieces of this kind of information in other places, but this book has so much more—all together and well organized. Chapters include: Fire, Water, Food, Shelter, Tools, Skills, Checklists, and Resources. Readers keep saying how they really appreciate the book’s design and structure. After reading either the Kindle format or the paperback format, you will probably want to get the other so you have both—which has a discounted “Matchbook” price. You probably already have many books on your shelf waiting for you, but this book will jump to the top of your list and actually get read… again and again! If you want a reliable resource that lists everything you need to prepare for your next outdoor adventure, to improvise in your next camping crisis, or to reach your next level of backpacking proficiency, this book is for you.

Technical Details: This hefty book has 262 well-formatted pages, 8 content-filled chapters, hundreds of simple and inexpensive DIY hacks, over 200 tips, over 1000 ideas, over 6,000 paragraphs, over 46,000 words, and over 294,000 characters!

WHY Go Camping?

For many it’s obvious—getting away to the peace and quiet of a more simple life. For others it may seem like more work than it’s worth. Whether you’re thinking of a quick overnighter while camping next to the SUV, a weekend spent miles from the nearest road, or a family summer vacation, consider these reasons to go camping.

  • Affordable: Compared to other vacations, the cost of camping is very small—even if you’re paying park camping fees.
  • Appreciation: Camping helps you to see the value in everyday conveniences and modern technology.
  • Bonding: Spending quality time with family and friends in a relaxed atmosphere may be better than any other experience.
  • Campfires: There’s nothing quite like staring into a dancing fire.
  • Educational: There’s always something to learn with each camping experience, and many parks include exhibits, historic sites, and useful workshops—for the young and old alike.
  • Escape: Use camping as a great excuse to disconnect and get away from texting, emailing, talking, driving, hurrying, and more.
  • Exciting: Explore new sights and sounds, encounter wildlife up close, feel your body rev up with refreshing exercise.
  • Memories: Create wonderful, fun, unique experiences that you’ll remember for a lifetime.
  • Peaceful: It is surprising how your body and your mind respond when you’re not stressed out by day-to-day responsibilities.
  • Photography: Be creative with your camera or cell phone by capturing rare images and videos to share with others.
  • Renew: Break from your routine, let your mind wander, sleep in, and let your body be refreshed and restored for your return.
  • Self-Confidence: Sharpen your resilience, courage, and bravery.
  • Prepare: Update preparations like tents, sleeping bags, hammocks, fire starters, camp food, backpacks, rain gear, hiking books, GPS, geo-caching, and other gear.
  • Skills Refresher: Remember how to start a fire, fish, hike, climb, boat, backpack, cook over an open fire, & sing campfire songs.

Book Page Sample: Water Purification

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HOW do I use this book?

How can you use this book? Unlike a novel, this informational how-to book is best read topically, not straight from cover to cover. So flip back to the table of contents, tap on a topic of interest, and start learning… as you would any quick reference or online resource.


Chapters and sections are organized for quick reference—making it easy to find a specific topic, or to skim through section headings to see topics of interest. Clicking or tapping these headings and cross-reference navigation links makes Prep Lists Books very useful.


Throughout this book, there is a clear distinction between “using” a tool and “utilizing” it. Understanding the difference will provide much greater insights for many common applications and new methods for improvising.

  • “USE” indicates an INTENDED purpose, like using a screwdriver to turn screws into wood.
  • “UTILIZE” indicates an UNINTENDED purpose, like utilizing a screwdriver to pry open the lid on a can of paint.

Many of the items in this book are featured because of their ability to be utilized well beyond their intended function. This is helpful in two ways: take things with you that have multiple functions, and how to make the best of what you have.

WHO reads this book?

Are you a person who should read this book? Probably. Almost anyone who enjoys being outdoors—whether you are on an adventure like camping, hiking, or backpacking, or if you are just out there for work, for play, or an unexpected detour.

This book is helpful for at least three different types of people:

  • Novices who rarely spend much time outdoors.
  • Intermediates who know the basics of outdoor adventures.
  • Experts who enjoy rustic living far from modern conveniences.


  • Get a quick overview of key topics to explore
  • Learn about the essentials of outdoor safety or survival
  • Understand the importance of resource utilization
  • Make checklists of things to be done or packed
  • A reference tool to ask better questions of an expert


  • A quick refresher of things you’ve done in the past
  • An overview of skills that you can improve upon
  • Expand the possibilities for greater comfort and safety
  • Streamline and upgrade your preparations


  • Hundreds of ideas for improvising with limited options
  • Learn easier ways to do the same old things
  • Save space, weight, or time by multitasking your gear
  • Get new ideas that you never thought of before
  • A reference tool to teach new skills to a novice

Book Page Sample: Campsite Location

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WHAT is this book?

This is a book of lists—not detailed instructions. Do not expect this book to teach you how to do everything. However, these lists will almost certainly spark ideas for practical solutions to everyday situations that you never thought of before.

So Many Uses

  • A checklist to see if you have everything you need
  • A reminder to add missing items
  • A learning tool to acquire new skills
  • A refresher to remember forgotten items
  • A quick reference of topics to consider
  • A textbook to highlight and annotate
  • A notebook to capture fresh insights
  • A teaching aid for novices
  • A mentor to expand your knowledge
  • A source of ideas and creativity
  • A gift for a birthday or holiday
  • A planning tool for each trip or adventure
  • A resource for emergency preparedness

So Many Applications

  • Lists of tools to use
  • Lists of methods to try
  • Lists of gear to acquire
  • Lists of features to measure
  • Lists of ideas to consider
  • Lists of projects to plan

WHEN would I want this book?

When? I’m so glad you asked—I have lists!

When You Need to Learn New Skills

  • Training someone to learn the basics: Highlight key topics
  • Training yourself in more advanced skills: There is always room for improvement and expansion
  • Upgrading your gear: How to get the most out of what you carry

When You Are Planning for a Trip

  • Planning your next camping trip: Improved cooking, less gear
  • Planning your next backpacking hike: Remember everything, improve your first aid kit
  • Arranging for a quick getaway: Use checklists to take off on the spur of the moment

When You Want to Plan Ahead

  • Organizing your gear for the next season: Add new fire starters, lighter clothing, and better snacks
  • Thinking about different scenarios or locations: Consider alternatives and avoid surprises
  • Getting ready for a change in seasons (hot or cold): Explore new technologies or trends in comfort

When You Prepare for an Emergency

  • Setting up in case of emergency: Keep this book on your cell phone or in your car
  • Preparing for a bug out bag: Prioritize the essentials based on your route and needs
  • Preparing for a survival situation: The scenarios are endless—plan ahead and be prepared

Book Page Sample: Mylar Blanket

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WHERE do I need this book?

Where might you use this book? Camping, hiking, and backpacking can be done for a variety of reasons, placing you in a wide range of possible locations.


  • Public campsite in a park
  • Group campsite in the woods
  • Solo campsite in the forest
  • Primitive campsite in the wilderness

The Great Outdoors

Parks, woods, hiking trails, cycling trails, mountain climbing, lake fishing, stream fishing, ski slopes, cross-country ski trails, river rafting or tubing… the list of outdoor activities goes on and on.

Emergency Situations

Be prepared by keeping this book in places where you might face an emergency situation.

  • Home, office, store, church, club
  • Car, truck, camper
  • Safe room, storm shelter, basement
  • Yard, neighborhood, community, campgrounds


Master the basic skills of camping & hiking, and you’ll be ready when disaster strikes and survival skills are needed most.

Urban Environments

Outdoor activities also occur in cities and suburbs, in parks and small pockets of woods between neighborhoods.

WHY should I keep this book?

Why the list format? Lists are able to summarize and condense a wealth of information into a very small space. Detail about each item in these lists may already be in your head—you just need to be reminded of it. If you don’t know about it already, then you have a starting point to learn more. You don’t want to carry around an encyclopedia or dictionary-size manual; you just need a quick reference of topics, ideas, methods, solutions, skills, and tools to get on with your activities. Lists are a quick reference to accomplish big tasks.

Learn New Things

  • See new topics about which you can research and learn more.
    “What is a Trioxane Fuel Bar?”
  • Consider new methods, tools, or solutions.
    “How can I start a fire if I lose my lighter?”
  • Find out about what others are doing.
    “I need to upgrade my gear AND lighten my pack!”

Refresh Your Memory

  • Remember options to consider.
    “Which knot should I use here?”
  • Brainstorm on potential ideas or solutions.
    “I need to capture this rainwater. What tools can I utilize?”
  • Customize for your personal use.
    “Have I forgotten anything for my next trip?”

Book Page Sample: Sunshade Visor

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Compared to other Kindle books that APPEAR to be similar… Any of the chapters in this 262-page book is worth the price of the entire book, and contains more content than most Amazon Kindle books on this topic. This book is dense, rich, in-depth, and condensed. An average PAGE has over 250 words… not like other “fluffy” Kindle books with only 250 words per CHAPTER. It’s like getting eight Kindle books for the price of one!

Table of Contents

Here is a partial listing of topics in this book.

Chapter 1. Fire
Being able to start a fire using various techniques and resources is vitally important—because you don’t know what may be available when the need for a fire becomes critical. Remember that you may need to be able to start a fire when it is raining or snowing, in the cold or in the dark, or under the stress of an emergency.

  • Fire: Purpose & Use
  • Fire: Stage 1. Ignition
  • Fire: Stage 2. Tinder or Accelerant
  • Fire: Stage 3. Kindling
  • Fire: Stage 4. Fuel
  • Fire: Application
  • Fire Building Methods
  • Fire: Safety

Chapter 2. Water
Water is essential. Plan on at least a gallon of water per person per day—depending on temperature, age, and physical condition. This does not include water needed for cooking, cleaning, bathing, or pets. Ideally, you would take bottled or clean tap water with you, but the weight or space needed is often limiting. So here are some ideas for obtaining drinkable water away from home.

  • Water: Finding
  • Water: Transporting
  • Water: Purifying

Chapter 3. Food
Everyone has different tastes, preferences, resources, time, temperature, tools, and more that affect what food might work best on your next trip to the woods. Here are some quick and easy ideas to consider.

  • Food: Basic Preparation
  • Food: No Cooking
  • Food: Add Hot Water
  • Food: Easy Cooking
  • Food: Harvesting Plants
  • Food: Harvesting Animals

Chapter 4. Shelter

  • Shelter: Campsite Selection
  • Shelter: Sleeping
  • Shelter: Tent
  • Shelter: Weather

Chapter 5. Tools
When planning for the unexpected, remember that redundancy (multiple ways to accomplish the same task) and multiple-use items (utilization) can be the difference between fun and frantic. This chapter alone—about improvising with everyday items, is well worth the price of this book! Read it once for future brainstorming when you’re in a pinch. Read it again for better memory retention. Take it with you for optimal value.

  • Tools: Mylar Blanket
  • Tools: Cording
  • Tools: Plastic Bottles
  • Tools: Hand Sanitizer
  • Tools: Tarps
  • Tools: Cargo Net
  • Tools: Aluminum Foil

Chapter 6. Skills

  • Skills: First Aid
  • Skills: Navigation
  • Skills: Knot Tying
  • Skills: Animal & Bug Protection

…and more!

This book can save you time, save you money, save you embarrassment,
save you effort, save you from injury, and even save your life!

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Book: “Prep Lists for Camping, Hiking, and Backpacking”

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